Monday, June 7, 2010

Install, usage


Copy the myRemotePlayer to the Appplications folder. At first run of the program it will check if the installation of the candelair driver is necessary, if so it has to be downloaded and installed.


IR remote device:

In list screens:

Up/Down - up/down scroll
Play - enter new level
Menu - back to previous level
Menu hold - toggle fullscreen/window mode

In playback screen:

Left/Right - fastforward/rewind in track
Left/Right hold - previous/next track in album
Menu - back to list screen
MenĂ¼ hold - toggle fullscreen/window mode
Play - track pause/play


'Command' + ',' = preferences window
'Option' + 'q' = quit
'Option' + 'F1' = toggle fullscreen/window mode


myRemotePlay / About = About window
myRemotePlay / Preferences = preferences window
myRemotePlay / Quit = quit
window/ Toggle Fullscreen = toggle fullscreen/window mode

Preferences window:

Start in fullscreen mode - start in fullscreen mode
Low CPU mode - low CPU usage (no refresh in playback screen)
Background image - select background image in fullscreen mode